Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Tarot insight:   Today is ruled by the Devil, a difficult card to interpret by some. In practice we experience this as bad habits and feelings of guilt.

All of us have a tendency to fall back on habitual behaviour when we feel stuck or unhappy. A vicious cycle is set up because the more we fall back into habit the more guilt we experience, and the more guilt we experience the more we require the habit to sooth us.  So be aware of this.

Today the Moon is also in its third quarter phase.  It follows the disseminating moon, which is the high, fun point of the entire lunar cycle where, everything comes up roses and is a blast. But it ends. Then comes the third quarter; the party's over . What you learn at the third quarter is some significant degree of failure, and that humbles you and brings you down to earth again.

Our ability will be challenged by the ego as Luna squares Sun later on today, but harmony will resume once again as she trines gentle Neptune. Moon will enter protective Cancer this evening, when it will be a good idea to lock in your profits and reap your rewards. Warm, loving gestures are favorable, such as sharing from the heart and opening our emotions to others. The cardinal energies can create a powerful flow for business and our duties. Later this evening, Moon squares shocking Uranus, which can spike highly unpredictable behavior. What we want, may not necessarily be what we get.