Thursday, 10 November 2011

Friday 11 November, 2011

Tarot insight When the Devil card appears, it could indicate that you are not in control of your life.  When you don’t achieve the things you want, it may lead to a loss of faith and hope in yourself and in your abilities. Be careful not to let yourself be controlled by worldly desires.

Yesterday’s Full Moon continues to leak powerful vibrations onto our path. Mars shift into Virgo will complete a lucky grand trine as it harmonizes with generous Jupiter and potent Pluto over the next few weeks. Take advantage of this rare cosmic opportunity to make some major progress towards long term goals. Effort is necessary and consistent involvement is crucial, but we can and will make progress. 

Today has many 11’s. What will it really bring?, well, we will have to wait and see. This could be a high vibrational day and your connection to the spiritual realm might be heightened. It certainly is within the realm of possibility to have insightful, if not prophetic dreams and even a strong spiritual experience. You may find clarity about something that eluded you previously. Be open to receive your own personal message of the day.  Mercury and Venus will also be at 11 degrees during today. Think big and expansive.
The meaning of number 11 is a New Beginning- after a decade of growth we start again. In this sense, number 11 may be called the Number of Reincarnation; a reincarnation in consciousness if not in body for we pass through many deaths and births of ideas and stages. This is a rare event that happens once very hundred years!

Moon moves into volatile Gemini later this evening. Communication and details are important this weekend.

Mercury goes retrograde on Nov 24. You might already be feeling the delays or setbacks. Plan now - back up computer, sort car trouble out, get important things done before. This is a time where we re-evaluate what is important to us.

Happy 11/11/11 to ALL!! Hope it cools down a bit, its been boiling the last few days.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

10 November, 2011

Tarot insight:  Today’s card is Temperance. It’s about achieving a harmonious balance. Without balance, there’ll be disappointments. Its message is to apply patients.

The moon will be in the Lunar Mansion of 4. Tonight’s upcoming Full Moon heightens everyone’s emotions, it occurs on 18 degrees, which is a destructive degree. Woahh, hot stuff.  It strives for balance. Its climate is tense. Hasty decisions can be very unwise right now. Oppositions and lack of balance, mark the day. This Full Moon could have us feeling insecure emotionally and materially but we can be power-driven now, and this can allow us to manifest physical and material proof. What was hidden comes to light, whether you like it or not. Most lows occur around the Full Moon.

Mars moves into Virgo early hours of tomorrow, for the next eight months.  Our energy goes towards filtering and de-cluttering.  We are determined and more patient to achieve our goals. It puts some action into people.  Some light comes through the clouds and the fog begins to dissipate.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Wednesday 9th November 2011

Tarot insight:  The Hanged Man card is about suspension and sacrifice. This card tells you to stop struggling and rather do some reflection so that you will be able to gain knowledge and inspiration. When you do this, problems can be solved and answers will arrive. 

The Moon will be Void from 7.45 to 9.45am, when it moves into Taurus where it feels lazy and happy. Energies turn toward pragmatic things.  No major aspects until it joins abundant Jupiter later in the afternoon and trines  powerful Pluto bringing confidence and optimism.

Neptune turns from Retrograde to forward motion this evening, to bid adieu to Aquarius and head home to Pisces where he will arrive on February 2, 2012. When this happens, it’s influence can be powerful. We could feel a bit dreamy and disconnected.  Double check your facts and be a bit sceptical this week. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Take out the magnifying glass until the fog starts lifting.  You could be more sensitive and receptive to the spiritual realm or other dimensions of reality this week.  Dreams held silently in our hearts may slowly rise to the surface where we can take steps to turn them into reality. You may have noticed a certain block of energy in your life. What was once believed to be a natural and creative flow, could have had us feeling empty, disillusioned, or deceived during Neptune’s retrograde period.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Tuesday 8th November 
Tarot insight:  The Justice card is a karmic card that brings  equality, balance, truth and accountability.

Mars opposite Neptune. Two more days of empty promises, stress, and sizzle-then-fizzle. Enough already! This is a period of low energy, missed opportunities and false expectations.

Neptune, planet of rumours and deception, is preparing to change direction tomorrow, intensifying the uncertainty, God of the underwater making things seem foggy and murky.

No major aspects today, except the applying Moon making her monthly opposition to Saturn later on today, uggh…  usually negative effect for a few hours. Patience is a virtue right now.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Monday 7th November 2011

Tarot insight:  The Wheel of Fortune card can represents luck and change. When this card appears, it heralds a new cycle.

Moon has shifted from Pisces to Aries. We now feel the urge to take actions and start something new, time to move forward.

Action planet Mars makes a tense opposition to foggy and uncertain Neptune. This can be a confusing and discouraging time, and you might loose your sense or direction. It seems that whatever we try goes nowhere, or gets lost in a haze of misunderstanding. It's hard to know what we want and where we're headed under this influence.  We may feel a temporary lull in our motivation levels.

Venus conjunct Pluto in helio today.  This is an "all or nothing" energy. We have the power of attraction at our disposal. Things shouldn't be forced, even though the desire to sway, coerce, and manipulate others may be present. Passions are strong and intense.

Today date adds up to number 13, it is another number of transformation and signifies the beginning of a new cycle. It responds to the influence of Aries, which is today’s Moon. Here’s a link with some interesting info on the number 13. Federal Reserve love the number. 

Friday, 4 November 2011

4th November 2011

Tarot insight:  When the Chariot appears, it often tells you to put your efforts into controlling your emotions, rather than wasting time and energy, complaining over certain things. Motivation and confidence is required, to get things moving in the same direction.

Yesterdays aspects continue to energise the air.  Moon moves into dreamy Pisces at 9.17am this morning. Quiet way to start the weekend, kind of “go with the flow” mood. Good to dream and relax.

After lunch, Moon makes squares to Venus and Mercury, there’s a bit of emotional tension in the air, better to avoid things for an hour or so.

Moon sextiles Jupiter later on this afternoon. The day improves as others become more cooperative & helpful, a wonderful aspect for breaking the mood from earlier.
Have a great weekend and see you next week J

Thursday, 3 November 2011

3rd November, 2011

Tarot insight:   When the Lovers appears, it may be referring to a relationship between a couple. It’s necessary to keep in mind that while love begins with happiness, it involves conflicts and struggles in the process. Many times things are unpredictable and can happen suddenly, so trust your own decision and after you have decided to go with it, don’t feel regretful even if you face challenges along way and in the future.

Opportunities are available as Uranus creates a positive trine with Mercury and Venus during the day. Conversations can be inspiring and can open your mind to exciting new possibilities. Deals involving computers, technology and the internet can be auspicious. You might see a new way to make money in these areas.  These aspects should pump up the markets, so lets see if that will happen.

The Moon in working its way to a trine with Saturn, it’s a good time for serious tasts, establish new patterns, fulfill responsibilities and to plan the details.  This aspect give us a good dose of reality and is positive. 

Moon opposes Mars applies in the evening.  A trying time where frustrations rise. Nerves get a little jingly, watch for bad tempers.  Not a good idea to get into any sort of confrontation.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

2nd November 2011

Tarot insight: The Hierophant gives advice in two ways. The first way is to put down your fear. Be ready to give up the thing which you are afraid to lose, so it won’t have any control over you anymore. Just look at what is still available and enjoy that. The second way is to receive the results with an open heart. Even if you have lost everything that you have or everything that you have built, the knowledge and experience you gained is precious and these will not be lost, it will be forever with you.

Moon has shifted into a more independent mood in Aquarius, where it has just squared Jupiter, this always overinflates and makes everything seem bigger than it is, only to burst the bubble afterwards. This is short and quick.

Venus and Mercury, enters expansive and fiery Sagittarius today, symbolizing a time to explore new or exciting vistas.

Venus enters Sagittarius at 10.51 this morning, for the next few weeks, where she begins to feel much better than she did in Scorpio and begins to focus on externals. We become more grateful and giving with our relationships where love and money are concerned. We crave more excitement from life and our relationships, so going out and exploring other territories, seems to be the way to go.  Relationships are ready to expand in new directions.  Venus also rules money, and you might have a tendency to be more extravagant.

Moon square Sun early evening and we may feel off-balance in general, but its effect should not be too big as a short while after, Mercury enters Sagittarius at 6.54pm.  We will find ourselves mentally preparing to stray beyond our comfort zone.  Mercury in Sagittarius highlights visionary thinking and philosophical ideas. It’s easier to see the big picture, though you might have a harder time grasping the details.  
Mercury will take an extra-long tour through Sagittarius, due to going Retrograde later this month. Wonder if were able to buy our ticket to the Moon yet!?