Tarot insight: Today’s card is Temperance. It’s about achieving a harmonious balance. Without balance, there’ll be disappointments. Its message is to apply patients.
The moon will be in the Lunar Mansion of 4. Tonight’s upcoming Full Moon heightens everyone’s emotions, it occurs on 18 degrees, which is a destructive degree. Woahh, hot stuff. It strives for balance. Its climate is tense. Hasty decisions can be very unwise right now. Oppositions and lack of balance, mark the day. This Full Moon could have us feeling insecure emotionally and materially but we can be power-driven now, and this can allow us to manifest physical and material proof. What was hidden comes to light, whether you like it or not. Most lows occur around the Full Moon.
Mars moves into Virgo early hours of tomorrow, for the next eight months. Our energy goes towards filtering and de-cluttering. We are determined and more patient to achieve our goals. It puts some action into people. Some light comes through the clouds and the fog begins to dissipate.