Wednesday 2 November 2011

2nd November 2011

Tarot insight: The Hierophant gives advice in two ways. The first way is to put down your fear. Be ready to give up the thing which you are afraid to lose, so it won’t have any control over you anymore. Just look at what is still available and enjoy that. The second way is to receive the results with an open heart. Even if you have lost everything that you have or everything that you have built, the knowledge and experience you gained is precious and these will not be lost, it will be forever with you.

Moon has shifted into a more independent mood in Aquarius, where it has just squared Jupiter, this always overinflates and makes everything seem bigger than it is, only to burst the bubble afterwards. This is short and quick.

Venus and Mercury, enters expansive and fiery Sagittarius today, symbolizing a time to explore new or exciting vistas.

Venus enters Sagittarius at 10.51 this morning, for the next few weeks, where she begins to feel much better than she did in Scorpio and begins to focus on externals. We become more grateful and giving with our relationships where love and money are concerned. We crave more excitement from life and our relationships, so going out and exploring other territories, seems to be the way to go.  Relationships are ready to expand in new directions.  Venus also rules money, and you might have a tendency to be more extravagant.

Moon square Sun early evening and we may feel off-balance in general, but its effect should not be too big as a short while after, Mercury enters Sagittarius at 6.54pm.  We will find ourselves mentally preparing to stray beyond our comfort zone.  Mercury in Sagittarius highlights visionary thinking and philosophical ideas. It’s easier to see the big picture, though you might have a harder time grasping the details.  
Mercury will take an extra-long tour through Sagittarius, due to going Retrograde later this month. Wonder if were able to buy our ticket to the Moon yet!?