Wednesday 9th November 2011
Tarot insight: The Hanged Man card is about suspension and sacrifice. This card tells you to stop struggling and rather do some reflection so that you will be able to gain knowledge and inspiration. When you do this, problems can be solved and answers will arrive.
The Moon will be Void from 7.45 to 9.45am, when it moves into Taurus where it feels lazy and happy. Energies turn toward pragmatic things. No major aspects until it joins abundant Jupiter later in the afternoon and trines powerful Pluto bringing confidence and optimism.
Neptune turns from Retrograde to forward motion this evening, to bid adieu to Aquarius and head home to Pisces where he will arrive on February 2, 2012. When this happens, it’s influence can be powerful. We could feel a bit dreamy and disconnected. Double check your facts and be a bit sceptical this week. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Take out the magnifying glass until the fog starts lifting. You could be more sensitive and receptive to the spiritual realm or other dimensions of reality this week. Dreams held silently in our hearts may slowly rise to the surface where we can take steps to turn them into reality. You may have noticed a certain block of energy in your life. What was once believed to be a natural and creative flow, could have had us feeling empty, disillusioned, or deceived during Neptune’s retrograde period.