Thursday, 10 November 2011

Friday 11 November, 2011

Tarot insight When the Devil card appears, it could indicate that you are not in control of your life.  When you don’t achieve the things you want, it may lead to a loss of faith and hope in yourself and in your abilities. Be careful not to let yourself be controlled by worldly desires.

Yesterday’s Full Moon continues to leak powerful vibrations onto our path. Mars shift into Virgo will complete a lucky grand trine as it harmonizes with generous Jupiter and potent Pluto over the next few weeks. Take advantage of this rare cosmic opportunity to make some major progress towards long term goals. Effort is necessary and consistent involvement is crucial, but we can and will make progress. 

Today has many 11’s. What will it really bring?, well, we will have to wait and see. This could be a high vibrational day and your connection to the spiritual realm might be heightened. It certainly is within the realm of possibility to have insightful, if not prophetic dreams and even a strong spiritual experience. You may find clarity about something that eluded you previously. Be open to receive your own personal message of the day.  Mercury and Venus will also be at 11 degrees during today. Think big and expansive.
The meaning of number 11 is a New Beginning- after a decade of growth we start again. In this sense, number 11 may be called the Number of Reincarnation; a reincarnation in consciousness if not in body for we pass through many deaths and births of ideas and stages. This is a rare event that happens once very hundred years!

Moon moves into volatile Gemini later this evening. Communication and details are important this weekend.

Mercury goes retrograde on Nov 24. You might already be feeling the delays or setbacks. Plan now - back up computer, sort car trouble out, get important things done before. This is a time where we re-evaluate what is important to us.

Happy 11/11/11 to ALL!! Hope it cools down a bit, its been boiling the last few days.