Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Tarot insight:  The Empress card symbolizes love, reassurance, prosperity, abundance and birth. She can represent pregnancy or actual birth of a child however she can also represent the creation or birth of a new project or idea.

Powerful feelings demand your attention today.  We are approaching a Full Moon in Aries.  Generally around the time of a full moon, there is an increase in accident rates, births, depression, so take care and be aware. With Moon opposing Saturn as well, satisfaction may be hard to find.  Frustration is possible, and it is best for you to trust that delays and obstacles might serve a higher purpose.

 The Moon also trines Mars, the ruler of fiery Aries.  The emotional pace picks up and could be accompanied by fireworks.  Look out for opportunities opening up for you. Aries awakens your instincts and desires.