Friday is upon us, and boy does it feel good! Good luck to the Bokke this weekend. I just loved what Steve Jobs said, so i thought i would share it.
Moon trines Saturn & Mercury. An excellent time for the details. Make big plans for the future & put them into action.
Venus forms a flowing trine with mystical Neptune . A perfect weekend 4 dreaming, imagining and creating magical possibilities for the future. Venus (values, love, money) supports positive returns with efforts. Your sensitivity is heightened, There’s an increased feeling of compassion and forgiveness. A happy time for romance very possible. It just might feel like everything is exactly where it’s supposed to be today and it might be hard to stay focused on the practical aspects of reality, but that’s okay for now. We may not have a care in the world, which allows us to casually drift from reality, to see what our eyes have been missing.