Thursday 20 October 2011

Tarot insight: oh boy,  I don’t like it when  The Hanged Man comes up.  It’s not a bad card but it symbolizes self-sacrifice, and circumstantial delays.  Being an impatient person this can get very frustrating!  It represents a time of limbo.

Too much fire?
Moon will leave Cancer today at around lunch time. You'll finally be able to let go of your emotional neediness and concentrate on being creative as the Moon strolls proudly into fiery Leo today, and brings a lot of energy with it.  Use this energy and focus it on action you want to take. Ignore the drama around you and stay focused. 
Leo rules gold, the Moon trines Uranus and squares Jupiter, let’s see what the gold price does today.

The Moon harmonizes with innovative Uranus in the afternoon.  Ah-ha!! Swift and positive. You’re in the mood to shake up routines, and experimentation is rewarded.

Moon square Jupiter later on this evening, watch out for excess, spending too much, going large, try to maintain focus and don't overdo.  There could be a tendency to exaggerate, take on more than you can handle, or indulge in too much of a good thing.