Sunday, 23 October 2011

Tarot insight: Today’s card is The Sun. Simply, one of the best, if not the best, cards in the Tarot. The Sun is a most welcome card and a signal of very happy, joyous times. Ultimately, The Sun dispels negativity and promises a happy ending.

Sun has entered Scorpio. It will bring about a major shift in the energy. We are able to penetrate the mysteries of ourselves and see what needs to be transformed from within

Moon will enter Libra at 5.49 this afternoon. Until then it is void, and everything should return to the way it was.  The scales shift back and forth trying to find direction for the next move. 

A few days before New moon, is known as the dark Moon. The dark lasts about three days before the new crescent appears. The inner Self starts to grow in power, and make its presence known. Whatever starts during the dark Moon does not usually last.
Things could be shaken a little this evening as Moon opposes Uranus. If unexpected events arise, it’s best to be flexible and go with the flow, as more tension is possible when the Moon makes a stressful square to dark and bossy Pluto. Watch out for getting drawn into a power struggle or emotional tangle.