Mars sextile Saturn this morning, an outstanding period in which we can accomplish a great deal of hard work. A good time to map out the entire plan for a new project. This aspect helps you focus your energy and take action where it counts.
The Moon is void of course from 2.18 until 5.08pm. This is when no aspects are made to the Moon, not a good time to do anything important. Then Moon enters the deep waters of Scorpio. A Super new Moon starts with the conjunction to the Sun later this evening. Every New Moon is a new beginning, but this one is a very active turning point.
The New Moon in Scorpio catches an important configuration in its silent rays- Jupiter and Pluto’s trine. It brings opportunities to find some stability on the unsteady ground of a changing world.
The New Moon opposes expansive Jupiter, giving you a higher perspective and broadening your vision of what’s possible. Just watch out for over-committing yourself or promising more than you can deliver. Beware of overdoing everything now, especially emotional responses. Don't make mountains of molehills. Don’t do anything dramatic.
Mars also squares off with love planet Venus — don’t let relationship tensions throw you off-course. There can be dissatisfaction with relationships & creative life. You decide - collapse in jealous fit or find a breakthrough. Remember, Judgement and Pluto is CHANGE/transformation. Sparks may fly!