Thursday, 27 October 2011

Tarot insight:  Expect the unexpected when The Fool turns up in a reading, it’s influence could have a dramatic affect on the decisions and choices you make.
This morning Moon will conjunct Mercury and square Mars. Desire to express your feelings are frustrated. Feelings of anger rise to the surface. Feeling impatient, making hasty/wrong decisions and irritable.

With the Jupiter, Pluto trine today, it is a lucky and productive time with lots of forward momentum, the only thing that can get it the way of progress today, is arguments. A powerful day for moving through resistance and taking committed steps toward long-term goals.

Moon square to Neptune, around noon, brings a bit of procrastination. Messages become blurred.

Moon will be void of course from 1.48 until 4.45 when the Moon will enter Sagittarius. Our taste for adventure rises and there is a lighter energy to counter all the Scorpio stuff. Use this to move energy outward rather than getting stuck in.
Sun opposite Jupiter tomorrow. There is a serious urge to overdo & take on more than we can handle. Don't flatter others just for flattery's sake.