Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Tarot insight:  When The Wheel of Fortune appears it heralds a new cycle in life, good luck and fortune.  Watch for a positive change later in the day.

With the Moon having moved into protective Cancer, your instinct for security kicks in.   The Moon is in the Lunar Mansion of 8,  ruled by stern Saturn,  also not a positive placement. The Moon will also touch the July lunar eclipse point which can effect the markets.

Around lunchtime Moon opposes Pluto, you may feel a bit lost. This period increases negativity. Just be aware of other people’s feelings since sensitivity is higher than usual.

The Moon’s harmonious angles to Jupiter later on today, suggests that the big picture is more important than the details, save the organizing for later, with Mercury it brings a boost to sales and promotions.  This is a good time to be social as conversation flows easily and moods improve.