Thursday, 20 October 2011

Tarot insight: When the Temperance card appears it symbolizes self-control, the ability to handle volatile factors and so bring about a positive result, but the big meaning of Temperance is that it warns of making hasty decisions out of impatience that will thwart your progress.

Things may look a bit fuzzy as Moon squares confused Mercury this morning. Lack of logic continue for a while, good for brainstorming, bad for actual planning  Also squaring Venus, relationships and artistic activities of all sorts may feel blocked. Creativity has a hard time flowing.

With the Leo Moon being hit from all sides, lack of attention can easily cause feelings to be hurt.
Moon conj. Mars, builds our energy through the day. It could however bring up anger issues, but more likely just hi energy.  Evening ends on a high note!

Then Moon sextiles  Saturn.  Energy comes down a bit, making  thinking more clear.  All the blocks of the day free up and we get to enjoy the evening. Great for social activities

Later, the brilliant Sun makes an energizing trine to spiritual Neptune, dazzling our imagination. There’s a mood of cooperation and a willingness to set aside personal agendas to contribute to the greater good.