Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Tarot insight: When The Moon appears you can be sure it will be a time of highly charged emotions and confusion .  Negatively this card stands for lack of progress because of deep rooted fears and anxieties.

Phew, what a relief to see the back of Monday, and today will be an easier day moving forward. 
With Moon still is sociable Libra there is more cooperation and things tend to flow more smoothly.
Today is the last day of the lunar cycle, so energy could be on the low side. Don’t bother trying to get anything started. It’s better to tie up loose ends.

Tonight the mood could turn more serious, when the Moon meets up with somber Saturn and reality kicks in.  Mars too makes contact with the Moon bringing a lot of energy but, it’s difficult to do more than one thing at a time.   

Still in ‘dark Moon’ phase, it is considered a deeply magical time for tuning into your feelings and intuition.  Moon will be in the Lunar Mansion of 15, a dodgy and volatile period for markets.