Thursday, 10 November 2011

Friday 11 November, 2011

Tarot insight When the Devil card appears, it could indicate that you are not in control of your life.  When you don’t achieve the things you want, it may lead to a loss of faith and hope in yourself and in your abilities. Be careful not to let yourself be controlled by worldly desires.

Yesterday’s Full Moon continues to leak powerful vibrations onto our path. Mars shift into Virgo will complete a lucky grand trine as it harmonizes with generous Jupiter and potent Pluto over the next few weeks. Take advantage of this rare cosmic opportunity to make some major progress towards long term goals. Effort is necessary and consistent involvement is crucial, but we can and will make progress. 

Today has many 11’s. What will it really bring?, well, we will have to wait and see. This could be a high vibrational day and your connection to the spiritual realm might be heightened. It certainly is within the realm of possibility to have insightful, if not prophetic dreams and even a strong spiritual experience. You may find clarity about something that eluded you previously. Be open to receive your own personal message of the day.  Mercury and Venus will also be at 11 degrees during today. Think big and expansive.
The meaning of number 11 is a New Beginning- after a decade of growth we start again. In this sense, number 11 may be called the Number of Reincarnation; a reincarnation in consciousness if not in body for we pass through many deaths and births of ideas and stages. This is a rare event that happens once very hundred years!

Moon moves into volatile Gemini later this evening. Communication and details are important this weekend.

Mercury goes retrograde on Nov 24. You might already be feeling the delays or setbacks. Plan now - back up computer, sort car trouble out, get important things done before. This is a time where we re-evaluate what is important to us.

Happy 11/11/11 to ALL!! Hope it cools down a bit, its been boiling the last few days.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

10 November, 2011

Tarot insight:  Today’s card is Temperance. It’s about achieving a harmonious balance. Without balance, there’ll be disappointments. Its message is to apply patients.

The moon will be in the Lunar Mansion of 4. Tonight’s upcoming Full Moon heightens everyone’s emotions, it occurs on 18 degrees, which is a destructive degree. Woahh, hot stuff.  It strives for balance. Its climate is tense. Hasty decisions can be very unwise right now. Oppositions and lack of balance, mark the day. This Full Moon could have us feeling insecure emotionally and materially but we can be power-driven now, and this can allow us to manifest physical and material proof. What was hidden comes to light, whether you like it or not. Most lows occur around the Full Moon.

Mars moves into Virgo early hours of tomorrow, for the next eight months.  Our energy goes towards filtering and de-cluttering.  We are determined and more patient to achieve our goals. It puts some action into people.  Some light comes through the clouds and the fog begins to dissipate.

Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Wednesday 9th November 2011

Tarot insight:  The Hanged Man card is about suspension and sacrifice. This card tells you to stop struggling and rather do some reflection so that you will be able to gain knowledge and inspiration. When you do this, problems can be solved and answers will arrive. 

The Moon will be Void from 7.45 to 9.45am, when it moves into Taurus where it feels lazy and happy. Energies turn toward pragmatic things.  No major aspects until it joins abundant Jupiter later in the afternoon and trines  powerful Pluto bringing confidence and optimism.

Neptune turns from Retrograde to forward motion this evening, to bid adieu to Aquarius and head home to Pisces where he will arrive on February 2, 2012. When this happens, it’s influence can be powerful. We could feel a bit dreamy and disconnected.  Double check your facts and be a bit sceptical this week. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Take out the magnifying glass until the fog starts lifting.  You could be more sensitive and receptive to the spiritual realm or other dimensions of reality this week.  Dreams held silently in our hearts may slowly rise to the surface where we can take steps to turn them into reality. You may have noticed a certain block of energy in your life. What was once believed to be a natural and creative flow, could have had us feeling empty, disillusioned, or deceived during Neptune’s retrograde period.

Monday, 7 November 2011

Tuesday 8th November 
Tarot insight:  The Justice card is a karmic card that brings  equality, balance, truth and accountability.

Mars opposite Neptune. Two more days of empty promises, stress, and sizzle-then-fizzle. Enough already! This is a period of low energy, missed opportunities and false expectations.

Neptune, planet of rumours and deception, is preparing to change direction tomorrow, intensifying the uncertainty, God of the underwater making things seem foggy and murky.

No major aspects today, except the applying Moon making her monthly opposition to Saturn later on today, uggh…  usually negative effect for a few hours. Patience is a virtue right now.

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Monday 7th November 2011

Tarot insight:  The Wheel of Fortune card can represents luck and change. When this card appears, it heralds a new cycle.

Moon has shifted from Pisces to Aries. We now feel the urge to take actions and start something new, time to move forward.

Action planet Mars makes a tense opposition to foggy and uncertain Neptune. This can be a confusing and discouraging time, and you might loose your sense or direction. It seems that whatever we try goes nowhere, or gets lost in a haze of misunderstanding. It's hard to know what we want and where we're headed under this influence.  We may feel a temporary lull in our motivation levels.

Venus conjunct Pluto in helio today.  This is an "all or nothing" energy. We have the power of attraction at our disposal. Things shouldn't be forced, even though the desire to sway, coerce, and manipulate others may be present. Passions are strong and intense.

Today date adds up to number 13, it is another number of transformation and signifies the beginning of a new cycle. It responds to the influence of Aries, which is today’s Moon. Here’s a link with some interesting info on the number 13. Federal Reserve love the number. 

Friday, 4 November 2011

4th November 2011

Tarot insight:  When the Chariot appears, it often tells you to put your efforts into controlling your emotions, rather than wasting time and energy, complaining over certain things. Motivation and confidence is required, to get things moving in the same direction.

Yesterdays aspects continue to energise the air.  Moon moves into dreamy Pisces at 9.17am this morning. Quiet way to start the weekend, kind of “go with the flow” mood. Good to dream and relax.

After lunch, Moon makes squares to Venus and Mercury, there’s a bit of emotional tension in the air, better to avoid things for an hour or so.

Moon sextiles Jupiter later on this afternoon. The day improves as others become more cooperative & helpful, a wonderful aspect for breaking the mood from earlier.
Have a great weekend and see you next week J

Thursday, 3 November 2011

3rd November, 2011

Tarot insight:   When the Lovers appears, it may be referring to a relationship between a couple. It’s necessary to keep in mind that while love begins with happiness, it involves conflicts and struggles in the process. Many times things are unpredictable and can happen suddenly, so trust your own decision and after you have decided to go with it, don’t feel regretful even if you face challenges along way and in the future.

Opportunities are available as Uranus creates a positive trine with Mercury and Venus during the day. Conversations can be inspiring and can open your mind to exciting new possibilities. Deals involving computers, technology and the internet can be auspicious. You might see a new way to make money in these areas.  These aspects should pump up the markets, so lets see if that will happen.

The Moon in working its way to a trine with Saturn, it’s a good time for serious tasts, establish new patterns, fulfill responsibilities and to plan the details.  This aspect give us a good dose of reality and is positive. 

Moon opposes Mars applies in the evening.  A trying time where frustrations rise. Nerves get a little jingly, watch for bad tempers.  Not a good idea to get into any sort of confrontation.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

2nd November 2011

Tarot insight: The Hierophant gives advice in two ways. The first way is to put down your fear. Be ready to give up the thing which you are afraid to lose, so it won’t have any control over you anymore. Just look at what is still available and enjoy that. The second way is to receive the results with an open heart. Even if you have lost everything that you have or everything that you have built, the knowledge and experience you gained is precious and these will not be lost, it will be forever with you.

Moon has shifted into a more independent mood in Aquarius, where it has just squared Jupiter, this always overinflates and makes everything seem bigger than it is, only to burst the bubble afterwards. This is short and quick.

Venus and Mercury, enters expansive and fiery Sagittarius today, symbolizing a time to explore new or exciting vistas.

Venus enters Sagittarius at 10.51 this morning, for the next few weeks, where she begins to feel much better than she did in Scorpio and begins to focus on externals. We become more grateful and giving with our relationships where love and money are concerned. We crave more excitement from life and our relationships, so going out and exploring other territories, seems to be the way to go.  Relationships are ready to expand in new directions.  Venus also rules money, and you might have a tendency to be more extravagant.

Moon square Sun early evening and we may feel off-balance in general, but its effect should not be too big as a short while after, Mercury enters Sagittarius at 6.54pm.  We will find ourselves mentally preparing to stray beyond our comfort zone.  Mercury in Sagittarius highlights visionary thinking and philosophical ideas. It’s easier to see the big picture, though you might have a harder time grasping the details.  
Mercury will take an extra-long tour through Sagittarius, due to going Retrograde later this month. Wonder if were able to buy our ticket to the Moon yet!? 

Monday, 31 October 2011

1st November, 2011

Im not sure why my date is not coming up correctly on my blog, but in future I will put the date at the top.

Tarot insight: We have had The Emperor card before, so today we shall look at the advice of the card, and considering the aspects for this morning, it might be good advice.  The Emperor stands firm with his own decisions. He will try to listen to opinions from other people but in the end he has the final say. When you need to make important decisions, the Emperor’s energy will give you the focus and strength. When the Emperor shows something in you, enjoy the confidence and take control. Go ahead and master yourself as you know what’s best for yourself.

Capricorn Moon square Saturn. Lots of frustrations around this morning. Patience may be difficult to come by with this aspect. You could find yourself feeling really unimpressed with things at the moment. Lots of stiff Capricorn energy here.

Logical Mercury squares dreamy Neptune. Your thinking might be clouded. Not much fun this morning, there’s still confusion in the air.

After mid-afternoon, Moon shifts to the Lunar Mansion of 24, and matters will start looking a lot better.

Moon sextile Mercury & Venus later on this evening. Mind starts thinking a bit more clearly now and you can relax more.  You might even find that you suddenly have a creative surge. Time for Something New.

Moon goes into Aquarius in the early hours of tomorrow morning. Focus shifts from calm and steady to weird, wacky, and sudden.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Tarot insight:  Our Tarot card for the day is The Empress. She symbolizes love, reassurance, prosperity, abundance and birth so when she appears, she can be a very welcome card. Hope you have taken some profit.

What a way to start a Monday morning, with Moon in Gloomy Capricorn, after a fun filled weekend in Sagittarius.  Nothing better than a Capricorn Moon to bring us down to earth, Everything tends to stabilise here again. Put your energy into what will support you in the material world. Focus on structure.

The Celtics celebrate their New Year today, same day as Halloween.  Happy Halloween to you!

Venus squares Neptune, Beauty and love, are in a tense aspect with confusion. Be careful not to set yourself up for disappointment in relationships and the same for finances – what appears to be a great buy is likely to turn out to be a financial drain or money pit. You may have a tendency today to see what you want to see rather than what it really is.
Later on today, the Moon starts working on a tense aspect to Saturn, it’s a good idea to limit your activities.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Tarot insight:  Expect the unexpected when The Fool turns up in a reading, it’s influence could have a dramatic affect on the decisions and choices you make.
This morning Moon will conjunct Mercury and square Mars. Desire to express your feelings are frustrated. Feelings of anger rise to the surface. Feeling impatient, making hasty/wrong decisions and irritable.

With the Jupiter, Pluto trine today, it is a lucky and productive time with lots of forward momentum, the only thing that can get it the way of progress today, is arguments. A powerful day for moving through resistance and taking committed steps toward long-term goals.

Moon square to Neptune, around noon, brings a bit of procrastination. Messages become blurred.

Moon will be void of course from 1.48 until 4.45 when the Moon will enter Sagittarius. Our taste for adventure rises and there is a lighter energy to counter all the Scorpio stuff. Use this to move energy outward rather than getting stuck in.
Sun opposite Jupiter tomorrow. There is a serious urge to overdo & take on more than we can handle. Don't flatter others just for flattery's sake.

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Tarot insight:  The World is a very positive card.  It signals a time of achievement, recognition and success.  Basically, holding the world in your hand.
Besides Scorpio Moon sitting in the shadows, scanning the horizon for enemies, the sky is clear with no major aspects to distract the day.

Later this evening, we may feel frustrated again, as Moon applies to conjunct Mercury and square Mars. If something is on the tip of your tongue, it might roll off into words. Lots of talking, but short tempers lurking as feelings of anger rise to the surface.

In Helio, Mercury squares Uranus, watch for sudden movements in the markets, possible gaps, but still remaining positive.
Tarot insight:  The Judgement card brings an opportunity which, once given, must not be ignored, a new project or decision could change your life.  Judgement is ruled by Pluto and has similar transformative energy to the New Moon in Scorpio. A busy day ahead as you can see.
Mars sextile Saturn this morning, an outstanding period in which we can accomplish a great deal of hard work. A good time to map out the entire plan for a new project. This aspect helps you focus your energy and take action where it counts.
The Moon is void of course from 2.18 until 5.08pm. This is when no aspects are made to the Moon, not a good time to do anything important. Then Moon enters the deep waters of Scorpio. A Super new Moon starts with the conjunction to the Sun later this evening. Every New Moon is a new beginning, but this one is a very active turning point.

The New Moon in Scorpio catches an important configuration in its silent rays- Jupiter and Pluto’s trine. It brings opportunities to find some stability on the unsteady ground of a changing world.

The New Moon opposes expansive Jupiter, giving you a higher perspective and broadening your vision of what’s possible. Just watch out for over-committing yourself or promising more than you can deliver. Beware of overdoing everything now, especially emotional responses. Don't make mountains of molehills. Don’t do anything dramatic.

Mars also squares off with love planet Venus — don’t let relationship tensions throw you off-course. There can be dissatisfaction with relationships & creative life. You decide - collapse in jealous fit or find a breakthrough. Remember, Judgement and Pluto is CHANGE/transformation. Sparks may fly!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Tarot insight: When The Moon appears you can be sure it will be a time of highly charged emotions and confusion .  Negatively this card stands for lack of progress because of deep rooted fears and anxieties.

Phew, what a relief to see the back of Monday, and today will be an easier day moving forward. 
With Moon still is sociable Libra there is more cooperation and things tend to flow more smoothly.
Today is the last day of the lunar cycle, so energy could be on the low side. Don’t bother trying to get anything started. It’s better to tie up loose ends.

Tonight the mood could turn more serious, when the Moon meets up with somber Saturn and reality kicks in.  Mars too makes contact with the Moon bringing a lot of energy but, it’s difficult to do more than one thing at a time.   

Still in ‘dark Moon’ phase, it is considered a deeply magical time for tuning into your feelings and intuition.  Moon will be in the Lunar Mansion of 15, a dodgy and volatile period for markets.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Tarot insight: Today’s card is The Sun. Simply, one of the best, if not the best, cards in the Tarot. The Sun is a most welcome card and a signal of very happy, joyous times. Ultimately, The Sun dispels negativity and promises a happy ending.

Sun has entered Scorpio. It will bring about a major shift in the energy. We are able to penetrate the mysteries of ourselves and see what needs to be transformed from within

Moon will enter Libra at 5.49 this afternoon. Until then it is void, and everything should return to the way it was.  The scales shift back and forth trying to find direction for the next move. 

A few days before New moon, is known as the dark Moon. The dark lasts about three days before the new crescent appears. The inner Self starts to grow in power, and make its presence known. Whatever starts during the dark Moon does not usually last.
Things could be shaken a little this evening as Moon opposes Uranus. If unexpected events arise, it’s best to be flexible and go with the flow, as more tension is possible when the Moon makes a stressful square to dark and bossy Pluto. Watch out for getting drawn into a power struggle or emotional tangle.  

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Tarot insight: When the Temperance card appears it symbolizes self-control, the ability to handle volatile factors and so bring about a positive result, but the big meaning of Temperance is that it warns of making hasty decisions out of impatience that will thwart your progress.

Things may look a bit fuzzy as Moon squares confused Mercury this morning. Lack of logic continue for a while, good for brainstorming, bad for actual planning  Also squaring Venus, relationships and artistic activities of all sorts may feel blocked. Creativity has a hard time flowing.

With the Leo Moon being hit from all sides, lack of attention can easily cause feelings to be hurt.
Moon conj. Mars, builds our energy through the day. It could however bring up anger issues, but more likely just hi energy.  Evening ends on a high note!

Then Moon sextiles  Saturn.  Energy comes down a bit, making  thinking more clear.  All the blocks of the day free up and we get to enjoy the evening. Great for social activities

Later, the brilliant Sun makes an energizing trine to spiritual Neptune, dazzling our imagination. There’s a mood of cooperation and a willingness to set aside personal agendas to contribute to the greater good.
Tarot insight: oh boy,  I don’t like it when  The Hanged Man comes up.  It’s not a bad card but it symbolizes self-sacrifice, and circumstantial delays.  Being an impatient person this can get very frustrating!  It represents a time of limbo.

Too much fire?
Moon will leave Cancer today at around lunch time. You'll finally be able to let go of your emotional neediness and concentrate on being creative as the Moon strolls proudly into fiery Leo today, and brings a lot of energy with it.  Use this energy and focus it on action you want to take. Ignore the drama around you and stay focused. 
Leo rules gold, the Moon trines Uranus and squares Jupiter, let’s see what the gold price does today.

The Moon harmonizes with innovative Uranus in the afternoon.  Ah-ha!! Swift and positive. You’re in the mood to shake up routines, and experimentation is rewarded.

Moon square Jupiter later on this evening, watch out for excess, spending too much, going large, try to maintain focus and don't overdo.  There could be a tendency to exaggerate, take on more than you can handle, or indulge in too much of a good thing.

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Tarot insight:  Justice represents the scales, in this case they are the same bringing fairness and equilibrium in all dealings with people, so it can be  good concerning partnerships, business deals and legal issues. This card can also signify the righting of a wrong that has been done to you in the past, or you seeking justice for another.  A karmic payback in a way.

The Moon continues through watery Cancer but even so, the flow is not going to be a smooth one.

Today Moon is in the Last Quarter.  Think about the things that you would like to accomplish before the next New Moon. Get clear about what truly supports you, and what you’re holding onto out of fear. This is a good time to clean up some things, in your mind and otherwise.

The Moon in Cancer coming to a tension aspect to Saturn late afternoon causes things to go south again. Obligations are in your face, deal with what you can, tomorrow is a better day. This aspect brings some buying opportunities in the market.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Tarot insight:  When The Wheel of Fortune appears it heralds a new cycle in life, good luck and fortune.  Watch for a positive change later in the day.

With the Moon having moved into protective Cancer, your instinct for security kicks in.   The Moon is in the Lunar Mansion of 8,  ruled by stern Saturn,  also not a positive placement. The Moon will also touch the July lunar eclipse point which can effect the markets.

Around lunchtime Moon opposes Pluto, you may feel a bit lost. This period increases negativity. Just be aware of other people’s feelings since sensitivity is higher than usual.

The Moon’s harmonious angles to Jupiter later on today, suggests that the big picture is more important than the details, save the organizing for later, with Mercury it brings a boost to sales and promotions.  This is a good time to be social as conversation flows easily and moods improve.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Tarot insight:  When The Hermit appears in a reading he symbolizes a need for careful consideration of issues and possibly a desire for peace and quiet and solitude. Avoid making hasty decisions.

The Moon starts the day in Gemini, a volatile time for markets, can add some nervousness to the day.
The Comet Elenin is closest to earth today. This is a very large comet… there may be some earth disturbances. Google it if you would like more information. It’s not a major today, just interesting to know.
A pleasant harmonious day as Moon trines Sun until later this afternoon. This aspect makes Monday not feel so Mondayish, kinda makes the day flow nicely.
Mercury opposed Jupiter today, so be careful not to promise more than you can deliver.  Don’t become too optimistic today and try and keep yourself grounded.  It is best to wait before making a commitment or taking bold action. You could be overlooking important details in the midst of all the excitement.  There can also be a tendency to overstate the facts, or take on more than you can realistically handle.
By tomorrow morning, Moon returns home to Cancer, where she loves to be.  There could be sudden shifts and changes in emotions.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Tarot insight:  The Lovers symbolizes a choice between duty versus your heart's desire, take a risk and it could lead to greater happiness and emotional fulfilment, stay dutiful and life will remain the same.

The day starts with Moon squaring Mars, normally a spike down, possibly changes around 9.54. Tempers are rising and you have to deal with frustrations. 

Venus opposes Jupiter, stirring up the desire to socialize and splurge. You may be longing to escape routine reality and live large. Romance can be fun. You just can’t say “no”.  Be careful of overindulgence, or over-spending Too much of something can create problems too  It’s best to avoid making commitments, this may apply to finances as well. Your judgment might be off, and you could be prone to unrealistic expectations.

Moon squaring Neptune later on, we find it difficult to concentrate, hang on to your hat, this passes soon enough.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Tarot insight - The Hierophant is a symbol of moral law, a wise and capable advisor, a practical instructor and spiritual guide. He also represents the more conventional, tried and tested traditional values. Whenever I see the Hierophant in a reading, I know the situation surrounding it will have a good outcome. 

We may find something hard to resist as Venus sextiles Pluto today. Luckily our goal sits right in front of our eyes, which keeps us focused and driven. Moon also opposes Venus around 2.20, making us feel over sensitive, there can be conflicts and jealousy to spoil the afternoon, but early evening the energy is lighter and our spirits are lifted.
After a few weeks of Mercury transmitting good manners in classy Libra, he travels into the swampy realm of Scorpio. Our thoughts go deeper this month than normally, they become dark, hidden, and suspicious in the weeks ahead.  Stalk your obsessions like you mean it but, be careful not to become too obsessed with things.  This influence is great for research, investigation, and any type of detective work. You may worry that your efforts could be stolen by someone else so you’ll be careful to protect them. Words may be delivered in a hurtful way if we careful with what we say.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Tarot insight:  The Emperor is a sign of achievement and honour and in many cases can be that a man of authority or significance. 

Mercury forms a trine to Saturn. We find it difficult to discipline our minds at the moment. This aspect can make you feel like you are in a dreamy state. It can be a great day for visionary thinking and creative brainstorming. Trust intuition as logic may be less reliable.  It’s not a great day for detailed work as you may not produce productive results. 

Early afternoon, Moon creates a sextile to Neptune, news appearing through a smoke screen may land up in misunderstandings, while Moon opposes Mercury.
Moon shifts into Taurus by tomorrow where it is at home and feels terribly lazy, slowing things down somewhat.

Take advantage of this opportunity to gather inspiration before tomorrow’s reality check, as the Sun meets up with Saturn, normally an indication of a bears gathering.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Tarot insight:  The Empress card symbolizes love, reassurance, prosperity, abundance and birth. She can represent pregnancy or actual birth of a child however she can also represent the creation or birth of a new project or idea.

Powerful feelings demand your attention today.  We are approaching a Full Moon in Aries.  Generally around the time of a full moon, there is an increase in accident rates, births, depression, so take care and be aware. With Moon opposing Saturn as well, satisfaction may be hard to find.  Frustration is possible, and it is best for you to trust that delays and obstacles might serve a higher purpose.

 The Moon also trines Mars, the ruler of fiery Aries.  The emotional pace picks up and could be accompanied by fireworks.  Look out for opportunities opening up for you. Aries awakens your instincts and desires.

Monday, 10 October 2011

Tarot insight:  The High Priestess is the guardian of secrets. In her scroll she keeps hidden information rolled up. It could be a secret about you or secrets that will be relealed to you. When the High Priestess appears it suggests you should trust your instincts, let your intuition be your guide.

With Venus having gone into Scorpio this weekend it can heighten suspicions around this time.  Extremes of many things, addictions, compulsions, mistrust, power issues, harmful secrets, can all be brought to the surface. Don’t get trapped into dangerous sexual encounters.

Emotions with logic become electrified in the afternoon, as Moon conjuncts with Uranus. It may seem as if  things are certainly coming to life before our eyes. By evening, we’re beginning to feel uncomfortable in our surroundings as the Moon makes a square to  Dark Pluto. Suspicions grow heavy with the upcoming Full Moon.

Moon moving into fiery Aries this morning improves our energy considerable. Use this energy to set your sights on your goals. Be careful not to get burned.  If you’re feeling restless or impatient, burn off excess energy through physical exercise.

Still waters can run extremely deep.  Its amazing how Tarot, Astrology and numerology are all different tools, yet they always  boil down to the same answer when asking questions.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Tarot insight:-  The World heralds the arrival of your heart's desire. A time of achievement, recognition, success and triumph. A time of enjoyment, happiness in relationships and spoiling yourself.

Friday is upon us, and boy does it feel good! Good luck to the Bokke this weekend. I just loved what Steve Jobs said,  so i thought i would share it.

Moon trines Saturn & Mercury. An excellent time for the details. Make big plans for the future & put them into action.

Venus forms a flowing trine with mystical Neptune.  A perfect weekend 4 dreaming, imagining and creating magical possibilities for the future.     Venus (values, love, money) supports positive returns with efforts. Your sensitivity is heightened, There’s an increased feeling of compassion and forgiveness. A happy time for romance very possible.  It just might feel like everything is exactly where it’s supposed to be today and it might be hard to stay focused on the practical aspects of reality, but that’s okay for now. We may not have a care in the world, which allows us to casually drift from reality, to see what our eyes have been missing.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

After two days away from the office, I returned home to find our phones lines were stolen again! But hey, that’s Africa for you.
Tarot insight.  The Judgement card brings an opportunity which, once given, must not be ignored, a new project or decision could change your life.  It brings a time of accomplishment and rewards for past efforts. It also brings a new phase in life.  Change is in the air.
The applying opposition to Mars brings high energy, so put  ‘pedal to the metal’ and get cracking on things you’ve been wanting to do.  Up and up and up she goes, where it stops… nobody knows. A happy time as Moon trines Sun around lunch time. Ideas begin to ground later in the evening, when we get more serious as Mercury conjuncts Saturn, increasing our mental focus. Choose your words carefully. People will be looking for hard facts and solid information.  We’re determined to get out point across and to provide solutions.
Very Sad news that Steve Jobs, Apple founder had passed away at the age of 56. Condolences to his family and friends.  A true innovator of magic and science, visionary and genius.

Friday, 30 September 2011

Tarot insight: The Hanged Man represents that things may be in a state of limbo at the moment. You may feel you lack the ability to help yourself.  It is a time to be patient and not to worry about things. You aren’t able to do anything to change circumstances, and will need to wait it out until the situation has passed. The hanged man symbolises self-sacrifice either material or emotional.

After all the shake-ups this week, Sun makes a sextile to Mars and you will feel the push of this energy. Take advantage of the opportunities this brings as they present themselves.  Look for creative solutions to problems and trust your instincts to guide you. Support is available, and people are in the mood to cooperate and try and help.

It could be a good day for relationships, as this aspect fires up romantic sparks. The Moon, still in passionate Scorpio inspires the urge to deepen intimacy with a partner.

Thursday, 29 September 2011

Tarot insight:  Card of the day is Justice. It can represent justice, fairness and equilibrium in all dealings with people, so it's a good omen concerning partnerships, business deals and legal issues. This card can also signify the righting of a wrong that has been done to you in the past, or you seeking justice for another.  It kinda a karmic pay back time.

Yesterday’s Sun-Mercury square to Pluto continues to draw your mind into the dark side, and now love planet Venus unites with stern Saturn. Just as Venus gets things nearly where she wants then Saturn steps in and stops her.  It’s another good day for proceeding with caution.

Moon –Jupiter says there’s a false sense of optimism in the air that can blow everything out of proportion, stick to your plans and try to remain calm.
In the markets volatility is going to be very strong with so many hard planetary aspects

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Tarot insight:  The Wheel of Fortune card brings change. The Wheel keeps on turning,  up and down, either way freeing us from the past. No one can escape its cyclical action, which can feel somewhat terrifying -- no matter whether we are rising or falling. Change is ahead.  A new cycle in life, good luck and fortune.
With so many planets in Libra things aren't quite right, fair or balanced, though most have been pretending they are (a Libra trick), and with the Moon squaring Pluto it brings things to the surface ahead of Scorpio season next month. It  reveals unexpressed motives that may trigger powers struggles in  relationships. Fear of losing control creates additional worry when Mercury squares Pluto then joins the Sun to focus our intentions and align them with what we say.

Sweet Venus joins strict Saturn, Venus wants to do nice things and Saturn says "not now".
Later on today, Moon enters the secluded waters of Scorpio. We pull ourselves into our own protective walls, where we’re safe from the mean, outside world.